Tuwo Masara (Tuwon Masara)| Nigerian Corn meal

Tuwo Masara (Tuo Masara): Hausa corn meal Tuwo Masara (tuwon masara) is a bolus meal indigenous to the northerners(fulanis &Hausas) in Nigerian and other parts of west Africa. I love Tuwo Masara because I can use it as a substitute for Eba and when I have left-overs...I throw it into hot oil and !TADDAM! ..I have a crunchy snack known as '' Kokoro '' or ''Hausa Masa ''...Here's the recipe.ENJOY! Video of How to make Tuwo Masara Ingredients for Tuwo Masara * 1 cups corn meal / corn flour (coarse type..not the one for making Pap) *2 cups water Cooking Direction for Tuwon Masara * Put some water into a small pot and set the boil on medium heat. *Add the corn and stir continuously until you get a thick and stretchy mix..just like Eba, you can add more corn meal if you want it thicker.the mixture is thick and stretchy. Now add a little water, cover the pot, reduce the heat to low and leave for 2 minutes. * Now mix thoroughly until the Tuwon is...