Nigerian Mixed Vegetable Sauce (white sauce)

Nigerian Mixed Vegetable Sauce (white sauce), nigerian food tv, nigeian food recipes

I love to prepare this mixed vegetable sauce whenever I have excess vegetables from making either Shawarma or Nigerian salad
  This vegetable sauce is surely a healthier and richer alternative to the everyday tomato based  beef  or chicken stew .

It is loaded with vitamins and nutrients and contains most of the common vegetables you can get around you.

  So, if you are yearning for a change from the regular, this sauce is what you need, and you don't have to wait until you have leftover veggies before you try out this delicious mixed vegetable sauce.

 Here's how to prepare it.

Ingredients for the Mixed Vegetable Sauce

   * 500g boneless Chicken breast or chicken drumsticks
   * 4 Fresh Plum Tomatoes (the hard type Tomatoes)
   * 6 medium Carrots
   * 1  Onions bulb
   * 1 spring onion(optional)
   * 1 small Cabbage
   * 3 medium sized Irish Potatoes
   * 1 Green Bell Pepper
   * 1 cooking spoon Vegetable Oil (optional because the chicken has natural oil)
   *  1 tablespoonful thyme and curry
   * 2 stock cubes(bouillon cube)
   * Salt - to taste
Nigerian Mixed Vegetable Sauce (white sauce), nigerian food tv, nigeian food recipes


  ** First Wash and cut all the vegetables.
Scrape the carrots and cut into smaller pieces and chop the spring onions .
Cut the plum tomatoes and the bell pepper into smaller pieces.
Cut the cabbage into tiny pieces. Then set all aside.

** Wash and Peel the Irish potatoes,rinse and cut into tiny pieces(like cubes). Set aside

Cooking Directions

 *Wash and cut the chicken into pieces. Place in a pot, add thyme, curry, chopped onions,one stock cube and salt.
  Cook until the chicken is done. You might need to add a little water if the water dries up before the chicken is tender. Then transfer unto a plate.
   Tip: If you are using a chicken part with bones,separate the meat from the bones.And set the meat aside for later use. 
 If you'll rather not separate the meat, no problem! simply set aside on a plate, until needed.

   *Pour the chicken stock into another pot(watch out for the chicken bones at the bottom)(you can pass the chicken stock through a sieve, to keep the tiny broken bones from entering the pot.)

 Add the vegetable oil,spring onions(If using), cabbage, chopped tomatoes, potatoes and one stock cube. Cover and cook for about 10-15 minutes.
 Tip: you can also add the carrots at this stage but I don't like overcooked or very crunchy carrots, so I cut them very tiny and add them at the next step.
Nigerian Mixed Vegetable Sauce (white sauce), nigerian food tv, nigeian food recipes

  * After 15 minutes, you'll notice that the cabbage is tender and the sauce is thicker due to the softened potatoes;
 Then add the carrots,green bell pepper and the chicken. Add salt to taste and Leave to simmer for 5 minutes and the Mixed vegetable sauce is ready to be served.

   This delicious sauce can be served alone as a meal for weight watchers, or with boiled rice, boiled yams, potatoes or plantains. Enjoy!

Nigerian Mixed Vegetable Sauce (white sauce), nigerian food tv, nigeian food recipes

Nigerian Mixed Vegetable Sauce (white sauce), nigerian food tv, nigeian food recipes

Other Related Recipes

* Bitter leaf Soup (Ofe Onugbu) 
* Nigerian Mixed Vegetable Sauce
* Nigerian Beef Stew
* Banga Soup : Urhobo Isoko Banga Soup Recipe
* Nigerian Chicken Stew
* How to Cook Okazi Soup (Ukazi Soup)
* Obe Ata Dindin : Nigerian Fried Pepper Stew
* How to Cook Edikang Ikong Soup 
* Nigerian Tomato Stew(Vegan Stew)
* How to Cook Afang Soup
* Nigerian Pepper Soup
* Nigerian Ogbono Soup :How to Cook Ogbono  Soup
* Nigerian Fish Stew (Obe Eja Tutu) 
 * How to Cook Nigerian Egusi Soup(Ofe Egusi/Obe Efo Elegusi)

By Nky Lily Lete


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