How to Bake Cake On Sand (Without an Oven)

 Bake Cake Without an Oven & on a Stove top, How to Bake Cake Without an Oven on sand a Stove top, bake cake on sand, bake cake with stones

How to bake cake without an oven (sand method) & on a stove top

After my combined post here on ''How to Bake Cake Without an Oven'', I have been receiving emails and phone calls(I forgot my number was on the ''about me page''
The emails and phone calls were mostly from young students, asking for clarity on the two stovetop methods mentioned in the post. I guess that reading about the two methods in one post was a bit confusing, so today, in response to that, I'll show you how to make/bake cake without an oven using the sand method and of course, there is an explanatory video below to go with it.
Hope you find it useful.

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