Okazi Soup...delicious ! Okazi Soup (Ukazi Soup) is the Igbo version of the Efik's Afang soup .This delicious Nigerian soup is made up of a mi xture of ve getables(Afang /Okaz i leaves and water leaves or spinach or lamb lettuce) , assorted fish, meat , spices and a soup thickener , wh ich can be either achi, ofor, ukpo or Egusi. Afang soup and O kazi soup are very similar, the only major differen ce is the thicke ner that is added to the Okazi soup to give it more viscosity and most people prefer to make Okazi leaves the only vegetable in the soup(without adding any other leaves). The vegetables used for the Okaz i/Ukazi soup includes Okazi leaves(c alled A f ang leaves by t he E fiks and Ibibio ) and water leaves(spinac h and la mb lettuce can be used as al ternatives for this vegetable ) . Here' s a n easy recipe to try out...Enjo y ! Okazi Soup (Ukazi Soup) Recipe * 2 handful ground Achi Or Ofor Or Ukpo (Egusi /melon seed s can be used as a sub...
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