Nigerian Mini Donuts

Nigerian Mini Donuts Nigerian small chops

  Nigerian mini donuts/doughnuts are the smaller version of the popular Donuts.
  This smaller sized donuts have suddenly become a common sight at the small chop/appetizer meal section of most Nigerian festive gatherings. 
  I enjoy making jam filled donuts for birthday parties and love it when the kids(and adults) bite into it and gaze at the juicy jelly reward...Lol.. that's what my daughter calls it...''juicy jelly''.

Well, the ingredients used for this recipe are exactly the same as the previous one, but in the preparation of the first recipe , I made a ''starter'' to kick-start the leavening process  of the dough.
   You can check out the recipe  later and also watch the video demonstration.
    But for now, let get started with our mini donuts.
***You might also like the video recipe on How to Make this Nigerian Mini Donuts .

Nigerian donuts/doughnuts  Ingredients:
 This makes about 30 or more mini donuts
*500 g of plain flour (sifted)
*3 tablespoons of dry yeast/15g fresh yeast

*30g of melted butter
*2 eggs
*1.5 cups of warm milk (about 300 ml) more or less
*80 g of castor sugar  
*1 teaspoon of salt
*Vegetable oil for deep frying 
Nigerian Mini Donuts Nigerian small chops

Preparations for Nigerian Donuts(doughnuts)
*In a bowl, cream the sugar and melted butter together. Add the eggs, yeast and salt. Mix thoroughly.

* Gradually add the sifted flour, stirring the batter(dough) continuously .

* Now add the warm milk and keep on stirring until you get a soft and stretchy dough.Then cover with a clean napkin and leave for about 1 hour until the dough doubles in size.

*When the dough has risen,place on a lightly floured table ,punch down the dough and spread it out with a rolling pin.

Tip: Don't roll it out too flat if you want fluffy and puffy donuts.

Using a small circular cutter,Cut the dough into doughnuts shapes. You can use a biscuit cutter, the top of a glass cup or any clean circular object.
  Make another smaller circular cut and then cover the donuts and leave to rise for an extra 15 minutes.
Tip: The extra rising isn't necessary, but it is nice if you want  extra ''puffiness''.

* Prepare the jam and fill a syringe(without the needle) with jam. Then inject the jam into the donuts.
Tip: If you are new at this, I'll recommend you fill the jam after the donuts have been fried or baked.

*Now fry the donuts  in your favorite cooking oil at 180º C for 2 minutes on each side. Transfer into a sieve , lined with paper towels, to absorb excess oil.

Tip: You can also bake in preheated oven at 200ºC for 25 minutes
If you haven't filled with jam yet, leave to cool a bit and insert the syringe at the side of the donuts
*Now roll the donuts in sugar..if you desire and Enjoy!

Nigerian Mini Donuts are usually enjoyed with any cool drink or local Nigerian drinks like zoborodo(zobo), kunnu or fruit juices.

 >>Click for more Nigerian Small Chop Recipes 

 Other related recipes :
Nigerian Chin Chin recipe
Nigerian Style Samosa
Nigerian Chicken Pie
Nigerian Sausage Rolls
Nigerian Egg Roll
* Nigerian Scotch Eggs
* Nigerian Fish Rolls
Nigerian Fish Pie Recipe
* Nigerian Meat Pie
* Nigerian Buns
Nigerian Puff puff
Nigerian Donuts (Nigerian Doughnuts)
Homemade Burger in a Pan (Patties made from scratch)


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