How to Cover A Cake With Fondant

How to Cover A Cake With Fondant, nigerian food tv

Covering a cake with fondant is easier than it looks. If you've bought pre-packed Fondant or maybe got creative like me and decided to make Fondant from scratch , here's how to cover your cake without cracks, folds or creases.

To perfectly Cover A Cake With Fondant, you have to;

A. Make sure that the large cake you want to decorate, has been previously coated with butter cream icing and left to harden a bit.
How to Cover A Cake With Fondant, nigerian food tv
B. Next, take the measurement of the cake, so that you'll know the size of fondant to roll.
 If you are working with a round 12 inch wide cake, that has a 3 inch height, your fondant measurement will be 12+3+3, which will give you 18. 
 So the diameter of your fondant will be 18, but make it 20. It's better to have extra fondant at the edges, than not having enough.

C. Place the cake on a cake board.
 1.  Now, Knead the fondant until soft and pliable.

How to Cover A Cake With Fondant, nigerian food tv
2. Then, dust your work surface and rolling pin with icing sugar(or corn flour or butter); Place the fondant on the dusted or greased work table, and roll flat with the rolling pin(about 1/4 inch thick) ; make sure that all sides are equal.  
Tip: another cool method is to cover the work table with non-stick parchment paper(baking sheet), and roll the fondant on the paper.

3. Fold the rolled fondant on the rolling pin and carefully lift it up. Place onto the prepared cake.
 Tip: if you had used a parchment paper(baking sheet), lift up the paper and gently place the rolled fondant on the cake.

4. Smooth the top and the side of the cake, gently pressing the fondant onto the cake; smooth out any creases on the cake and cut out the extra edges with a small knife.
 Set aside to dry. 
How to Cover A Cake With Fondant, nigerian food tv

  If you want to, you can also cover the cake board with fondant;but do it before placing the cake on it.

 Now your cake is ready for piping and further decoration. 
See how to Make this beautiful Polka Dots Fondant decoration.

<<You might be interested in:
* Easy Multi-Colour Polka Dots Fondant Cake for Beginners
* How to make Fondant from scratch
* How to Color Fondant for Cake Decorating
* How to Make Butter Icing (buttercream icing) 
* How to cover a cake with Fondant
* Nigerian Cake Recipe
* Apple cake recipe
* Banana cake recipe
* How to make Cake in a Sandwich Toaster


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