How to Color Fondant for Cake Decoration

Coloring Fondant is another fun task I enjoy doing. It is easy to do, but also has to be done carefully so that you  can get the exact color tone you are a looking to get. Here's how to Color Fondant for Cake Decorating. 

You'll need :

- White Fondant
- Food dye or coloring (liquid, powder or paste)
- Gloves (to prevent staining your hands with dye)
(dr. oetker food coloring , do not stain, I love using them)


1. Put on the gloves and knead the fondant until soft and form a ball; then lightly punch the ball a little in the center . 

2. Using a toothpick, pick a little of the coloring and tap it on the fondant, knead and repeat the process until you get your desired color. 
 If you're using liquid food dye add one drop at a time and knead until you get your desired color. 

3. Finally form into a ball and tightly wrap up the fondant in a nylon or plastic bag and place in a sealed container until you're ready to use.
Tip: Always color more than you need because it could be difficult to get the same shade or color tone if you finish with the one you have. 

<<You might be interested in:
* Easy Multi-Colour Polka Dots Fondant Cake for Beginners
* How to make Fondant from scratch 
* How to Color Fondant for Cake Decorating
* How to Make Butter Icing (buttercream icing) 
* How to cover a cake with Fondant
* Nigerian Cake Recipe
* Apple cake recipe
* Banana cake recipe
* How to make Cake in a Sandwich Toaster


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